Tag Archives: rolled thread
Rolled Thread Bolt Diameter
Do Bolts with Rolled Threads have a Full Body Diameter or a Reduced Body Diameter?When threading bolts, the two most commonly used methods are cut threading and roll threading. We are often asked if bolts which have been roll threaded have a full body diameter or a reduced body diameter. Depending on the type of fastener, the answer is both. When Portland Bolt produces bolts with rolled threads, we... Read more
Extending Thread Lengths
Can Portland Bolt add more thread to our existing bolts?Basically, there are 3 different configurations of threads: Full-body cut thread Reduced-body rolled threads Full-body rolled threads Full Body Cut Thread Full body cut threads use full size round bar and the threads are cut into the steel. This is a commonly used method, especially on larger diameter products, long length products, and small quantity... Read more
Rolled vs Cut Thread Bolts
What is the difference between a bolt with rolled threads and one with cut threads and does a fastener with a reduced body and rolled threads meet ASTM specifications?Threads of a mechanical fastener, regardless of whether it is a headed bolt, rod, or bent bolt, can be produced by either cutting or rolling. The differences, misconceptions, advantages, and disadvantages of each method are described below. Rolled Threads Roll threading is a process by which steel is extruded to form the threaded portion of... Read more
Roll Threading Dimensional Requirements
What specification covers dimensional requirements for roll threaded hex bolts and square head bolts?ANSI/ASME B18.2.1 is the dimensional specification that covers hex bolts and square head bolts. Note 14 of the specification addresses reduced body material that is used in the roll threading process. “14. Reduced Diameter Body. Bolts may be obtained in “reduced diameter body.” Where “reduced diameter body” is specified, the body diameter may be reduced... Read more