Portland Bolt Survivor Pool

Load Indicating Washer Dimensions

Bolt Size B C A Number of Protrusions PTD* Max Part Numbers
Max OD Thickness After Compression ID Max Squirter ® Standard
Plain Galvanized Plain Galvanized
12 1.187 0.120 0.527 4 0.788 12621 12622 16485 17287
58 1.375 0.140 0.658 4 0.956 12623 12624 15909 17288
34 1.625 0.140 0.790 5 1.125 12625 12626 12678 17289
78 1.875 0.160 0.921 5 1.294 12627 12628 12645 17290
1 2.000 0.180 1.052 6 1.463 12629 12630 12646 17291
118 2.250 0.180 1.183 6 1.631 17296 17297 18996 18997
114 2.500 0.180 1.315 7 1.800 18371 17299 17298 17293
138 2.750 0.180 1.446 7 1.969 17300 19419 17294 17301
112 3.000 0.180 1.577 8 2.138 17302 17303 18408 19418
Bolt Size B C A Number of Protrusions PTD* Max Part Numbers
Max OD Thickness After Compression ID Max Squirter ® Standard
Plain Galvanized Plain Galvanized
12 1.375 0.120 0.527 5 0.788
58 1.625 0.140 0.658 5 0.956
34 1.750 0.160 0.790 6 1.125
78 2.000 0.180 0.921 6 1.294
1 2.250 0.180 1.052 7 1.463
118 2.500 0.180 1.183 7 1.631
114 2.750 0.180 1.315 8 1.800
138 3.000 0.180 1.446 8 1.969
112 3.250 0.180 1.577 9 2.138

Dimension specifications per ASTM F959.
*Protrusion Tangential Diameter

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